Thursday, July 27, 2006

Official statement of Location!

Hey - it just occurred to me that people might be trying to locate me on the web and since Newmarket Dental doesn't have a website yet (Rachel! Meghan! ahem!), I'll just mention it in case folks turn up here...

I'm at 80 Main Street in Newmarket. Phone number is ....well, just look in the book under Chris Batt. That's us! (new ad coming soon; worry not!)

here's some tags, just in case:

dentist blog

dentistry blog

nate swanson

nathan swanson

nate swanson

nathan swanson

dentist blog

dentistry blog


Anonymous said...

Funny dat. My sigoth does websites; just did a dental one recently. Feel like supporting a starving artist?

--Anastasia's little brother (because that's so much more identifiable than "Jon.")

Dr Nate said... can you send a sample of the work? rachel is a graphic designer, and does some web stuff, so my sigoth's not her forte... :) anyway,

and yo; i don't know that man y niehofs, so i knew who you are right away!! worry not.

Anonymous said...

Here's one of the sites. You can drop me a line at jniehof at bu dot edu and I'll point you at each other--she's nutty busy right now finishing up a comic for a convention this weekend, so don't expect to hear before next week at least.