Hello, O Bloggites! Tragically, it has been another busy month. Apparently, everyone who was holding off on a crown until their insurance renewed likes to show up in January, PLUS the weather, and I had (in one week) the excitement of the College BCS Championship, New Hampshire Presidential Primary and my Birthday. This resulted in three straight days of disappointment, as the Ohio State Buckeyes, Barack Obama and The Last Vestiges of my Youth (respectively) all performed a bit below expectations.
Speaking of presidential candidates, please take the time to skip down two posts - I've added new VIDEO of the Hillary Encounter. (Hmm...that sounds like something new at the Museum of Natural History...)
For a truly whimsical look at the candidates, please check out
this Best of Craigslist Entry.Lastly, for your amusement... I have lately become mildly obsessed with CollegeHumor.com, ever since their rendition of "Street Fighter: The Later Years." Lots of funny videos and pictures, and I find it MUCH easier to browse than YouTube.
From the Dental Dept:
In the newspaper business we call this "tombstoning:"
Bad Molar? We'll chop it out! Hiiiyahhh!And people DO sometimes pray.... (Rev. Wallick? You out there?)
Free Bible with Every Cleaning!Mad props to the guy in the photo who is brilliantly emoting the simutaneous concepts of, "Hallelujah!" and "Owww...my tooth!" (Any guesses, however, on the source of the stains on his shirt?)